The Wedding of Lauren Pendleton & Zachary Schools

The link that lead you here is a misspelling of “skeleton” because that word looks like an almost-mash-up of Lauren and Zach’s last names.
The point behind all of that was meant to be kind of a joke. Something that might be silly or amusing. Chances are, if you are reading this, you were a part of something kind of silly or amusing. The Quick Draw Photo Booth to be exact. Take a gander below and see how your beautiful, beautiful visage was transformed from one kind of perfection into another by the one and only Jimmy T. Shirts.

Feel free to purchase a print of this glorious alchemy, or share your photos online on facebook.

*A couple of the photos from this album need some special attention to get them fixed up. They will be uploaded ASAP. If you have any comments or questions, I am happy to work with you. Email me




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